Griffith Ford San Marcos

Suspension Service

Suspension Service in San Marcos, TX

Suspension Service at Griffith Ford San Marcos

Have you noticed your vehicle’s steering doesn’t feel as tight as it used to or that your rides feel bumpier than before? Your shocks and struts work together to keep your vehicle stable, and when these components aren’t functioning at their best, you’re sure to notice the unpleasant change. If you want to have yours checked out near Seguin, San Marcos, or Fredericksburg, make a stop at Griffith Ford San Marcos for quick and accurate service.

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The Role of Suspension

Many components work together to keep your vehicle moving and operable, including shocks and struts. These parts make up the suspension system of your vehicle, which works to keep the cabin level and manage bumps. You’ll want to keep this part of your car in good condition since it's also responsible for keeping each tire in contact with the road. A malfunctioning suspension is no joke since it can lead to loss of traction, and poor cabin stability. Not to mention, your vehicle can even become inoperable with damage that’s extensive enough. Even minor damage can pose problems since it will result in bouncing around in the driver’s seat as you coast over uneven surfaces.

When Driving Feels Less Steady

It shouldn’t take long for you to notice that something is off when your suspension has worn out or taken a hit. The change between driving a properly suspended car and one where something has gone awry is incredibly different. Some signs you may notice when driving a vehicle with worn-out or damaged suspension include:

  • Feeling That Your Vehicle is Bouncing
  • The Handling is Less Responsive
  • The Vehicle Feels Unstable
  • The Vehicle Tips Down When You Stop
  • The Vehicle Sways or Leans While You Turn

All of these signs could indicate it’s time to have your shocks and struts repaired. It may be tempting to put off having your suspension serviced but be advised that if your system becomes too damaged, your vehicle may no longer be safe to drive. Catching suspension damage early can save you the stress of an accident later, so be certain to book a service sooner rather than later.

Signs You Can Check For

It can be helpful to do a visual inspection of your car before going to the shop for a check-up. Examining your vehicle for these common signs of a damaged suspension can help you have an idea of what the issue may be before your visit.

  • You Can See Corrosion on Your Mounts
  • Your Tires Are Worn Unevenly
  • There Is Noticeable Fluid Leakage from the Shocks or Struts
  • There Are Dents on the Shocks or Struts

The first thing to look for when checking your vehicle’s suspension is obvious damage. Dents in any of the parts can mean bad news, from loose mounts to fluid leaking out of the shocks. Once you’ve determined if a damaged suspension is the cause of your problems, you’ll want to make an appointment with Griffith Ford San Marcos. Repairing these components can be potentially dangerous, so leave it to the professionals. You’ll be glad you left this critical repair with our experienced and knowledgeable staff.


If you want to have your suspension checked, schedule a service with Griffith Ford San Marcos.